The life of Joesph reminds us that even when we encounter obstacles in life, God provides for our needs and watches over us. Joseph was Jacob's favorite son. To show his love, Jacob had a fine tunic made for Joseph. When Joseph's brothers saw how much their father loved Joseph they were envious.
One day Joseph's brothers were out tending their father's flocks. Jacob told Joseph to check on his brothers and the flocks. His brothers saw him coming and plotted to kill him. Reuben the oldest, objected to killing Joseph. Instead they threw him into a dry well and later sold him to a caravan of traders heading to Egypt. He was sold to Potiphar for twenty pieces of silver.
The Lord protected Joseph while he lived in Potiphar's house. Potiphar put Joseph in charge of all his possessions. Potiphar's wife fell in love with Joseph, but Joseph refused to commit sin with her. Angry with Joseph, Potiphar's wife screamed and pretended that Joseph had tried to attack her. Potiphar seized Joseph and threw him into jail.
Some time later Pharaoh's cupbearer and the chief baker were imprisoned for offending Pharoah. One night both the cupbearer and the baker had strange dreams, that they could not understand. Joseph told them to tell him their dreams. In the cupbearers dream, he had seen a vine with three branches filled with grapes. "I picked the grapes and squeezed them into Pharoah's cup. I put the cup into Pharoah's hand. The chief baker explained his dream. He had seen himself carrying three baskets. In the top one were baked goods for Pharoah. Birds were pecking at the baked goods.
So for my treat tonight I had grape juice served in wine glasses to represent the cupbearer. I made banana chocolate chip muffins to represent the chief baker. You will have to read Genesis 39-41 to find out the meaning of the dreams and the rest of the story of Joseph.