Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Practice for the Jesse Tree Celebration

Every year the 6th grade has a Jesse tree celebration, the Jesse tree named after King David's father, is a tree of Jesus' ancestors. Here are the ancestors we celebrate, the ornament that is made and the class that makes the ornament:

Adam and Eve: 2nd grade

Noah: 1st grade:

Abraham: 5th grade:

Isaac: 6th grade:
Ornament-bundle of wood

Jacob: 3rd grade:

Joseph of the Old Testament: 3rd grade:
Ornament-coat of many colors

Moses: 4th grade:
Ornament-ten commandments

Ruth: 5th grade:

David: 6th grade:
Ornament-star of David

John the Baptist: 4th grade:

Blessed Virgin Mary: 2nd grade:

Joseph father of Jesus: 1st grade:

The birth of Jesus: 1st grade:
Carry manger to put under tree

Since the 6th grade class celebrates Isaac and King David, for my treat tonight I again made bundles of wood tied with licorice put today I dipped the pretzel sticks in chocolate. I also made star of David sugar cookies with purple icing since purple is the color for Advent.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Men of Faith

There are so many men of faith I could spend years telling there stories, but tonight we are going to talk about the men who will be represented on the Jesse tree, in December. Here they are:

Adam-The First Man
Noah-and the Flood
Abraham-Man of Faith
Isaac-The Victim
Jacob-The Man Who Wrestled With God
Joseph-The Favorite Son
Moses-The Liberator
David-The Chosen King
Joseph-Foster Father of Jesus
John-the Baptist
Jesus-The Son of God

For my treat I tied pretzel sticks up with licorice to represent the wood that Isaac carried. Read all about these great men in your bible.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

All Saints and all Souls

November is the month for remembering our loved ones who have gone into eternity and to reflect on the Saints. We talked about purgatory and why we pray for the souls in purgatory and visit the cemetery. I am calling my treat for tonight "ghost in the cemetery". I made dirt pudding, put it in a clear cup and topped it with a peep ghost, and put a paper tomb stone on the spoon. We study the Saints to give us good examples to live by so while the students were enjoying there treat I gave a description of all the Saints that are on display in or around our church. Here is a list of them:
St. Aloysius Gonzaga

St. Isidore

St. Theresa of the Child Jesus

King David

St. James the Greater

St. Rita

Blessed Kateri Tekawitha

St. Anthony of Padua

St. Anne

St. Cecilia

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

St. Francis of Assisi

St. Louis

The Holy Family

St. Mary

Blessed Mother Theresa

St. Joseph

The Sacred Heart of Jesus

Today is the Feast of St. Martin de Porres so we also talked about him. If you can, go to the cometery to visit and pray for your loved ones.