Catholics honor Mary and express their devotion to her throughout the year. Here are some of the special feast days and a symbol for each of the feasts.
January 1, The Solemnity of Mary. This feast praises Mary as Mother of God and mother of the Church. My symbol is a noise maker that is used to ring in the New Year.
March 25, The Annunciation (Lk1:26-32) The Angel Gabriel announces to Mary that she would be God’s mother. My symbol is a blue mint that says “It’s a boy!” since Mary knew she was having a son.
May 31, The Visitation (Lk.1:39-45) Mary visits her cousin Elizabeth who is carrying John the Baptist in her womb. When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby moved within her. Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and said in a loud voice, “Yu are the most blessed of all woman, and blessed is the fruit of your womb.” So for my symbol I have fruit snacks.
August 15, The Assumption of Mary. Mary was taken body and soul, into heaven. For my symbol I have cotton candy representing the cloud she was on as she entered heaven.
August 22, The coronation of Mary. Mary is crowned the Queen of heaven and earth. My symbol is a crown sugar cookie with gold sprinkles.
September 8, The birth of Mary. Mary has a birthday just like everyone else. My symbol is angel food cake with blue icing. The angel food cake represents purity and the blue icing royalty.
September 15, Our Lady of Sorrows. Because Mary knows what it is like to suffer, she is honored as Our Lady of Sorrows. My symbol is a pack of tissues, since we often cry and need a tissue when we are sad.
October 7, Our Lady of the Rosary. Praying the rosary is a way to honor Mary. My symbol is 59 pieces of Trix cereal for the 59 beads on a rosary. I chose Trix cereal since rosary beads are usually round and come in multiple colors.
December 8, The Immaculate Conception. This feast celebrates that Mary was free from Original and personal sin throughout her entire life. My symbol is a white chocolate baby filled with marshmallow cream.
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