Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Creation Story

In the beginning, when God created... Tonight we are going to begin our bible study with the first story of Genesis, the Creation Story. God in his goodness created everything out of nothing. And He was pleased with everything He made. When He created man in His image and likeness, he said it was VERY good.

These are the days that I used for my treats; on day two, He separated the bodies of water, so for my first treat I have a water bottle for the students. On day five God created the sea monsters and all kinds of swimming creatures, so for my second treat I have gummy fish. On the fifth day God created the living creatures, so for my last treat I have animal crackers.

When we study the creation story we also talk about the Creation ladder and how the Spirit Life is superior to us, and how Human Life is superior to the animal life and how the animal life is superior to the plant life. We also talk about being good stewards of the Earth, so the water bottles will be reused each week.

1 comment:

  1. MMmmm, gummy fish. They look delicious!

