Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Tonight in class the students will meet the first patriarch, Abraham. God asked him to leave his hometown of Ur and travel first to Harran and then to Canaan. God made a covenant with Abraham that he would possess the land of Canaan, that he would have many descendants and that all the nations would be blessed by him. God took Abraham outside at midday and asked him to count the stars if he could and told him that he would have more descendants than there are stars in the sky and sand on the seashore. So my treat is apple cider jigglers.


  1. How did you make the apple cider jigglers? I am bringing jigglers in to Xavier's class Halloween party and that might be a neat new way to eat them!

  2. I mixed unflavored gelatin with apple cider. I will bring you some leftovers.

  3. Those sound really good! Save me one if you can!

    - Rachel

  4. Sorry they are all gone.
