St. Patrick had two solid qualities about him, was a humble and he was courageous. At sixteen he was captured by pirates and sold as a slave to a chief in Ireland. After six years a voice from heaven told him to go back to his own country. But first he went to Rome, where he became a priest. He was then sent to England, but after some time he begged the Pope to send him to Ireland. The Pope made him a bishop and then sent him as a missionary to Ireland.
One of the pagan kings of Ireland arrested Patrick. When he saw the miracles worked by Patrick, he said, "Tell us about your God. He has given you great power."
"There is but one God," answered Patrick, "in three Persons; the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit." Picking up a green shamrock he said "Even as there are three leaves on this one stem, so there are three persons in one God." After that he was allowed to preach the new Faith everywhere in Ireland.
My treat tonight is cake with green sprinkles and some green juice.
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