After spending about a year at Mt. Sinai, where Moses received the 613 laws that the Israelites were expected to follow it was time to enter the Promised land. So Moses sent 12 spies, one from each of the 12 tribes, to check out the land. They spied the land for forty days. When they returned to Moses everyone agreed that the land was flowing with milk and honey. They commented on how great were the figs, pomegranates and grapes. It actually took two people to carry the grapes on a pole they were so large. Even as they agreed on how great the land was all of the spies except for Caleb and Joshua thought the Canaanites were too fearful. They said the Israelites seemed liked grasshoppers next to them. Caleb and Joshua agreed the Canaanites were a fearful people but the Israelites had God on their side and He would help them attack the enemy. The Israelites decided that they would not march into Canaan. God was not happy with their decision and wanted to destroy them, but Moses interceded for them and God did not destroy the Israelites, but told them they would have to wander in the dessert for 40 years and only the young children would live to enter Canaan.
So for my treat tonight I have grapes, fig newtons and pomegranate juice. I sure am glad that Jesus came and died for me so I don't have to follow the 613 laws!
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