Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden where they walked with God. It was the most beautiful place to live with plenty to eat and drink. They were told that they could eat from any of the trees in the garden except for the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Now the serpent was the most cunning animal that the Lord had made. The snake asked the woman, "Did God really tell you not to eat fruit from any tree in the garden?" Eve replied, "We may eat from any tree except from the tree of Knowledge of good and Evil. God told us not to eat from that fruit or even touch it, if we do, we will die." The serpent replied "That's not true; you will not die. God said that because he knows that when you eat it, you will be like God and know what is good and what is bad." So Eve saw how beautiful the fruit was and gave in to the Serpent. She also gave some to her husband Adam. As soon as they ate the fruit, they were given understanding to know that they had done wrong.
After their sin, they were banned from the garden, and passed on their tendency to sin to all of their descendents.
For my treat I have apples and gummy worms. Some of the apples have the effects of their sinned tagged to the apples, those effects are; suffering, separation from God, death, unhappiness, destruction and conflict. The gummy worms represent the serpent. I have the statue of the Blessed Mother in the picture because after the fall of man, God had a plan save his people. He would send His Son and His Mother would crush the head of the Serpent.
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