Jan. 1-The Solemnity of Mary. What a better way to start the New Year than honoring Mary our Mother. I have a music maker for my symbol, since the feast is celebrated on New Years Day. This Feast day is so important that it is a Holy Day of Obligation.
Feb. 2-The Presentation Of Jesus in the Temple. Joseph and Mary are obedient in bring Jesus to the Temple to be dedicated. They are met at the Temple by Simeon and Anna. We know that Joseph and Mary are poor because their offering is a dove or pigeon instead of a lamb because they could not afford a lamb. So my treat is a chicken drummette to represent the bird.
March 25-The Annunciation. the Angel Gabriel asks Mary to be the Mother of God, and of course she says yes. Mary knew she was going to have a boy so my treat is IT'S A BOY butter mint.
May 31-The Visitation. Mary travels to meet her cousin Elizabeth who is carrying John the Baptist. When Elizabeth meets Mary, John the Baptist leaped in her womb. Elizabeth tells Mary Blessed is the Fruit of your womb. So my treat is fruit snacks.
August 15-The Assumption of Mary into Heaven. Mary's body did not decay in the grave like ours will, she was taken up to Heaven to be with her Son. I served cotton candy to represent the cloud that took her to Heaven. This Feast Day is also a Holy Day of obligation.
August 22-The Coronation of Mary. Mary is crowned queen of Heaven and Earth, so I have sugar cookies in the shape of a crown with gold sprinkles on them.
Sept. 8-The Birth of Mary. Even though we do not know the exact date of Mary's birth the church celebrates it on this date. I made white cupcakes, the white representing her purity, with blue icing, the blue representing her queenship of Heaven and Earth.
Sept. 15-Our lady of Sorrows. We recognize the 7 sorrows of Mary which are, The Prophecy of Simeon, The Flight into Egypt, The Loss of the Child Jesus in the Temple, Mary Meets Jesus on the Way to Calvary, Jesus Dies on the Cross, Mary Receives the Body of Jesus in Her Arms and The Body Of Jesus is Placed in the Tomb. So for my symbol I gave the students each a travel pack of tissues because when we are sad we cry and need a tissue.
Oct. 7-Our Lady of the Rosary. There are 59 beads on a rosary, so I gave the students 59 pieces of Trix cereal. I chose Trix because they are round like a rosary bead and are multicolored just like rosary beads are many colors.
Dec. 8-The Immaculate conception of Mary. This Feast Day is the one that the students have the least understanding of. This Feast celebrated that Mary was conceived without Original Sin. To be the Mother of Jesus she needed to be sinless. My treat is a solid white chocolate baby, symbolizing that Mary was pure throughout her whole body and for her whole life.
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