Tuesday, September 28, 2010

September 15

The focus of our classes in the 6th grade is the Old Testament, so to refresh the students on looking up Scriptute we made Scripture Cookies. Here is the recipe:

Scripture Cookies

1/2 c. ________Psalm 55:21 (after churning)

1/2 c. _______1Samuel 14:25

1 _______Job 39:14

1/2 c._____ Ezekiel 25:4

1 ¼ c. _______ Leviticus 2:1

½t. _____________ Leviticus 2:13

1/2 t. ______ Exodus 12:15 (use modern cookie form)

1/2 t. each __________ 2 Chronicles 9:9 (several kinds)

1/2 c. __________ 1 Samuel 30:12 (optional)

For the fruit I used ripe banana's. I did not use the last optional ingredient. The students enjoyed the cookies.

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