Wednesday, September 29, 2010

September 29

I had a difficult decision to make for class tonight, what food item to bring. Today is the Feast of the Archangels, Michael, Gabriel and Raphael so I could have made an angel food cake for that celebration. But I decided on bringing food for our lesson which was the creation story. For day 2 of creation when God separated the waters above and below the dome I gave the students a bottle of water. I don't know why but kids love to get their own bottle. On day 3 when God created the trees and all that grow on them I gave the students fruit snacks. Sweedish fish were the snack for day 5 when the swimming creatures were created. And finally on day 6 when the animals were created we had animal crackers. Michael made a Murial on the bulletin board to show God's creations. As God rested on the seventh day I am now going to rest.

1 comment:

  1. If only religion had been so delicious when I was in 6th grade...
