Thursday, March 15, 2012

Canaan, the land flowing with milk and honey

After wandering in the dessert for a year, Moses sends 12 spies, one spy from each tribe to scout out the land of Canaan.  After scouting out the land for forty days the spies returned with a huge bunch of grapes and some figs and pomegranates.  The spies told Moses the land was flowing with milk and honey. 

Even though the people knew the land was prosperous and that God had been with them through their wandering they were fearful of the people living in Canaan, they wanted to return to Egypt.  God became very upset with the Israelites and wanted to destroy them.  Because Moses interceded for the people God did not destroy the Israelites but told them they would have to wander in the dessert for forty years before they could enter the Promised Land.

For the students treats I had fresh grapes and pomegranates and milk and honey ice cream.

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