Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Manna in the desert

As the Israelites are traveling to the Promised Land, Canaan, they do a lot of complaining.  One of their complaints were they are sick of the desert food, they think they want to back to Egypt where they had plenty of food.  God tells them He will send them quail in the evening and manna  in the morning.
The manna looked like little coriander seeds which the Israelite's ground up to make cakes.  In the book of Wisdom it says that the manna delighted everyone, no matter what his taste.  If you were craving sweet it tasted sweet if you craved salty it tasted salty.
The Israelites were instructed to only gather enough for one day except for the day before the Sabbath, then they were to gather enough for 2 days so they could be free to celebrate the Lord's day.  God was testing them to see if they would trust him to provide for them. 
So for my treat I made applesauce muffins.

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