Thursday, April 5, 2012

Seder Meal

Every year during Holy week I host a Seder meal for their class.  Here are the symbolic foods that we had for our Meal:

Four cups of wine; The cup of Sanctification, The cup of plagues, The cup of Blessing, and The cup of Praise

Parsley-The Passover holidays come in the spring, when the earth turns green with new life. Only God can create life and keep it alive. This green parsley is the sign of life.

Salt water-while the Israelites were still slaves in Egypt, their life was miserable. The salt water stands for their tears.

Matzoh (in the white cloth) -On all other nights the Israelites ate any kind of bread, but on Passover they ate matzoh, unleavened bread. When their ancestors left Egypt, they were in such a hurry they didn't have time to let their dough rise. Instead, the baked it flat. The Scriptures tell us that leaven is a symbol of sin.

Horseradish (bitter herbs)- to remember how bitter life was for their ancestors in Egypt.

Haroset-The Israelites worked very hard to make brick and clay to build cities for Pharaoh. They remember this in a mixture called haroset, made from apples, cinnamon, honey and nuts.

Lamb shank-This bone stands for the lamb whose blood on the Israelite houses was a sign to God. The blood will show their obedience; when God saw the blood, he passed over them and no plague  touched  them when God punished Egypt.

Egg-traditional offering brought to the Temple on feast days.The egg is now a symbol of mourning, reminding us of the destruction of the holy temple in Jerusalem.  The hardness of the shell also reminds us of the hardness of Pharaoh's heart.

Group picture before our celebration.

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