Thursday, April 12, 2012

Serpent on a Pole

The Israelites are almost ready to move into the Promised land, but before they do, they once more complain  about Moses and God.  To punish the people God sends seraph serpents which bite them and cause death.  The Israelites repent of their sin and ask God to heal them.  God instructs Moses to make a pole and put a serpent on the pole.  When the Israelites look at the serpent on the pole, with faith, they are healed of their snake bites.  The serpent on the pole prefigures Jesus on the cross, Jesus heals us of our sins.

My thought for the treat was a good thought, but the finished product did not turn out as well as I had hoped it would.  I made soft pretzel crosses and hoped to find gummy serpents but could only find gummy worms to tie on the cross with licorice.  The students did enjoy the soft pretzels and gummy worms even if they did not look so good.

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