Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Feast of All Saints and All Souls

As a Church, we dedicate November to remembering our faithful departed.  We pray for all those awaiting entrance into heaven, and ask that God give them the merits and prayers of other members of the Communion of Saints and welcome them into his presence.  With faith, we pray:

Eternal rest grant them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.  May they rest in peace.

Even as we pray for our deceased loved ones, so we should also ask them to pray with us.  Whether they are in heaven or purgatory, we trust that they will intercede for us.  Because they are his beloved sons and daughters in Christ, the Father will answer their prayers.

For my treat I have pudding cups topped with crushed Oreo cookies.  I garnished them with a ghost peep and pumpkin.  I cut-out R.I.P. designs and slid the spoon through them.

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