Thursday, January 13, 2011


A vocation is a call from God and our call is a gift from God. We have all been called to serve God in someway, whether it is to the religious life, the married life or the single life. We talk about vocations in CCD because it is never to early to think about how God is calling you. Our class was cancelled due to the snow, but for my treat I was going to make a Body of Christ fruit bowl. Each of our gifts makes up the body of Christ here on Earth. I was going to use berries to represent the Religious life since there are many different types of berries and many different types of Religious and Consecrated calls. I was going to use pineapple for married life and oranges for the single life, again many types of oranges and many types of vocations to the single life. The fruit would have been delicious just like this, but I wanted to make it even better so I used Agave nectar, which represents the Holy Spirit, who helps us with our vocation, to make the fruit sweeter and holds it all together. What gifts has God given you to help spread His good news?

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